9 months (and mobile!)

Blog?…I forgot I had one for a while there!

Seriously, between work, moving, school starting for Chase, end of summer festivities and now a very mobile 10-month-old, things have been busy! Yet, amongst the chaos, I have been trying extra hard lately to s…l…o…w down a bit every day and enjoy where I am.

No, that wasn’t a typo and Hadley is actually now 10 months, not 9, but this is her 9 month post nonetheless. She is a little goober and we love getting to watch her little brain spin with imagination and exploration about how and why things work. It’s pretty amazing.

Note: The first thing mentioned on her “About me” picture is that she is officially crawling. I had to include some extra pictures to demonstrate her new skill! PS- I love her open mouth cheesy smile. It never gets old!

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